Unit 5: Contribute to Good Working Relationships
1.1: Identify key roles and tasks in the production process
Everyone who contributes to the production process is an essential part of that project, regardless of how small your part in that may be, it will still be recognized. To understand and explain specific key roles and tasks in the production process I would have to use an actual example. So, my example is the production process for a short film. Many small film companies do not have big Hollywood budgets to produce a two hour feature film but with a talented director, steering the ship in the right way, you can still make a compelling piece of film that still looks and sounds stunning just like a blockbuster movie would.
First, the director is arguably the most crucial part of the process as he is the one who visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director also has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design and generally overlooking the production of the film. Secondly, the writer(s) is responsible for putting their creative ideas down on paper in a screenplay format. The idea of this is to set up a three act narrative so the story is concise and focused. Next, you can't make a film without a camera man as it is his job to capture the action being played out. With direction from the director he is able to film certain scenes in a way that might have an emotional impact on the audience or use a specific shot for a particular purpose. Then, the actors are the ones who are on screen so they play a crucial role in making the script come to life as they perform it. Finally, but by no means least, the editor is given the rough copy of the movie in post- production which he then has to apply the finishing touches to the film. This could be adding sound and visual effects generated by a computer or cutting out scenes to make the film flow and pairing the video and audio together so they match. At this point everything has been produced to create the final product.
1.2: Outline how to clarify, agree and revise working arrangements in a way which promotes good working relationships and 3.1: Clarify, agree and revise working arrangements, promoting good working relationships
There are many ways to clarify, agree, and revise working arrangements but the most important one of them all is probably face-to-face discussions. During these discussions, the people involved will use eye contact, body language and a certain tone of voice which you must try to almost mirror in order to build trust with that person while getting to know your colleagues. As good as this may be, it is vital that this discussion is backed up with written confirmation regarding what was discussed and agreed followed up by an e-mail confirming what was discussed. But each situation is different and you will have to assess the situation before deciding which route to take. In a meeting situation, making notes on what a person is saying is extremely important as it shows you are paying attention to what that person is saying. Another advantage would be that your notes can help you to remember what was said in that meeting and will help you to refer back to what was said if you forget.
2.1: Explain the importance of balancing the needs of tasks and people
The importance of balancing the needs of tasks and people is extremely great. Often, people take too much work on which can leave them stressed and tired. It is also important to remember that your line manager does not hire you to socialize so talking to your colleagues to much can distract you and them from your work which could lead to you being fired. You could also be fired if you bombard yourself with work all the time as they might think you are not a team player and do not want to contribute anything to the group. It's all about balance and multi-tasking, if you work in an environment (like I do) where the atmosphere is small, friendly and relaxed it will be much easier to complete all of you work while having a chat at the same time.
2.2: Explain the importance of sharing information with colleagues
Sharing information with colleagues is extremely important because some tasks can not be completed on your own. Sharing the information to other members of the team is vital so they know exactly what is going on and how to complete the task. Your line manager should know just about every single thing you do with relation to work. This is because if you are ill or have a prearranged absence your colleagues can cover your work and see to any work that requires urgent attention. Also, depending on how big the project is, it may be impossible to complete it on your own in the given deadline. This may lead to unhappy customers and unhappy colleagues so sharing the work equally amongst a team of people would help get the project finished in time.
2.3: Identify ways of tactfully requesting others to change working arrangements to improve own productivity
A smile on your face goes a long way in an office based scenario because it tells people you are in a good mood which will most likely put them in a good mood. Your colleagues sense how you are feeling by your body language, appearance and facial expressions which might make them feel the same way. So if you come into work unhappy, chances are so will the rest of your team. This along with a confident, positive and friendly manner, it will be much more likely your colleagues will co-operate fully with you.
2.4: Describe how to explain own decisions clearly and constructively and 3.2: Communicate own decisions clearly and constructively
A lot of the time it can be hard to get your point across exactly the way you want it to sound but is especially important that in a business you communicate your ideas in a confident and interesting manor. It may be helpful to make a list of what you want to talk about beforehand that way if you stumble over your words you can refer to the points you have written down to remind you. It is important that you do not write word for word of everything you are going to say because you will find yourself reading from that and not given your colleague eye to eye contact. Your words won't flow and you'll find yourself talking like a robot!
2.5: Describe how to resolve conflict situations or dissatisfaction and 3.3: Resolve any conflict situations or dissatisfaction as necessary
When you are trying to resolve conflict or dissatisfaction there are a couple ways to go about it. First, it is important to react to the situation in a calm and professional manor, after all these are your colleagues and a work environment where it is happy and productive is always the best scenario. Sometimes this cannot be the case so it is essential to be biased towards the argument. Any problems relating to a personal nature should be taken up with the line manager where he would attempt to distinguish the problem as best he can by talking about it and working out the possible outcomes. When you are providing a service, like Tees Valley Music Service does for example, you are bound to get a handful of complaints from people who are unhappy or dissatisfied with the service and it is important to be trained about how to respond to complaints. For example, if you were talking to a customer on the phone, wishing to make a complaint about the service you offer, you wouldn't be rude to them as that is just adding fuel to the fire and is not an acceptable way to speak to a customer. Sometimes, the dissatisfied customer may want to speak to the manager in order for it to have the most effect. In this case the manager or one of the managers should be contacted and the call should be directed to the appropriate manager.
2.6: Explain the importance of liaison with colleagues to productivity and 3.4: Liaise with appropriate colleagues to ensure effective and productive working
Communication is part of everyday life so liaising with colleagues, people who you see 5 days a week is extremely important. Not just because it makes the work environment happier but it can also have a massive impact on productivity, either directly or indirectly. When working as part of a team it is important to share all relevant information with the other members so you can try to help them or they can try to help you. For example, if you worked in a company centred on technology it is important to stay up to date with how we share information to the clients, making them more aware which is better for the company. This could include advertising on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter or even set up your own company website. Nowadays, browsers allow you to be creative and design cool, professional looking websites that you couldn't do a couple decades ago but it is important to have a discussion, using both verbal and non-verbal methods, with the developer to know the limitations as well as look at the possibilities.
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